Animal Awareness Day


On the 4th of October, we celebrate “Animal Awareness Day” as this day happens to be the feast of St. Francis of Assisi.

During this day our school takes the opportunity to celebrate and appreciate our relationship with the animals that share our planet and the ways in which they enrich our lives. It is also an important opportunity to speak out to ensure the humane treatment of animals and to advocate for protection of the habitats that are home to animals.

Today all the pupils were invited to bring their pets to school.

Click here if you want to watch more photos.



Il-Gżira ta’ Kemmuna tinsab f’nofs il-fliegu bejn Malta u Għawdex u hija l-iżgħar mit-tlett gżejjer prinċipali tal-arċipelagu Malti. Kemmuna titqies bħala ġenna ta’ l-art għal dawk li jħobbu l-għawm, l-għads taħt wiċċ il-baħar, il-“wind surfing” u sports tal-baħar ieħor.

Il-parti magħrufa bħala l-Blue Lagoon b’baħar ċar u ikħal hija waħda mill-aktar veduti spettakolari fil-Gżejjer Maltin. L-għerien naturali li jdawwru lil din il-Gżira ukoll joffru spettaklu u joħolqu element ta’ misteru.

Kemmuna għandha firxa ta’ 1.5 kilometri kwadri u fuqha jgħixu biss madwar tminn persuni. It-traffiku ma’ jeżistix u l-ħsejjes u l-istorbju huma l-eċċezzjoni aktar mill r-regola tal-ġurnata. Fuq Kemmuna hemm ukoll lukanda moderna li tilqa’ fiha lil dawk kollha li jridu jaħarbu ftit mir-realta’ u jmorru jgawdu l-paċi u l-kwiet li toffri din il-Gżira.

Il-Knisja ta’ Kemmuna hija dedikata lir-Ritorn tal-Madonna mill-Eġittu. Din ġiet mibnija l-ewwel darba fl-1618 iżda ġiet restawrata kemm il-darba matul is-snin. Mappa tan-navigazzjoni tas-seklu tnax li tinsab fil-Mużew Nazzjonali Marittimu fi Greenwich turi knisja fil-post fejn hemm il-knisja preżenti. Wieħed jista’ jara wkoll torri antik mibni fis-seklu 17 mill-Gran Mastru tal-Ordni ta’ San Ġwann, Alof de Wignacourt.

Manuela Bogdanovich

My Favourite Website


My favourite website is ‘Disney Club Penguin’. My Penguin Name is ‘Manuela1530’.  On ‘Disney Club Penguin’ all people are penguins.  You can also be a secret agent or a tourist guider. If you become a secret agent you can do missions. You can have a lot of fun especially if you are a member. My favourite game is ‘Catching Some Waves”. This is my favourite website because you can make new friends and you can pretend to be a penguin

Click here: if you want to visit this website.

By Manuela Bogdanovic

When I woke up late


Last week my family and I went to a wedding reception. We went back home late and on the following day I could not get up early as usual.  In fact I got up an hour later.
When I woke up I went downstairs and washed my face very quickly.  Then I put on my school uniform. After that I had a cup of tea and then I went to school. I was very worried because I thought I would not manage to arrive at school on time.   Unfortunately I arrived at school at around quarter to nine. All the students were in their classes.  I was very scared of the headmistress. When I was walking in the school corridor the headmistress told me to go in her office. I had to tell her the truth.
I thought that she was going to punish me. It was my first time that I arrived late at school and so she let me go in my class. I was so sorry that I was late.

By Roselle Azzopardi



Ġol-Belt iduru l-karrijiet
fost daħk, bluha
u ħmerijiet.

Mill-għoli jwaddbu
t-tfal ċkejknin,
xita tal-karti
żgħar u mlewnin.

Ħelu u perlini
jimlew kull but
u l-qligħ iħallu
lil tal-ħanut.

Kulħadd iħares
kull wiċċ ferħan
kull id tixxejjer
kull fomm daħkan.

Venera Muscat